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Can you buy a house in Spain to get citizenship?

When it comes to securing Spanish citizenship, the Golden Visa program emerges as an intriguing avenue. Offering the opportunity to invest in Spain, this program entails specific requisites that open doors to the realm of citizenship.

Clarifying the Notion: Property Investment and Citizenship
A prevalent misconception involves the assumption that purchasing real estate in Spain is a direct route to citizenship. In actuality, the process of obtaining the Golden Visa demands a more comprehensive approach due to the significant benefits it confers.

Your Guiding Light to the Golden Visa: CaseSpania's Expertise
To unlock the potential of the Golden Visa program through property investment, one must engage in acquiring properties valued at or exceeding €500,000. This investment should remain unburdened by encumbrances like mortgages up to the stated sum. Any investment surpassing this threshold might be subject to taxation.

A critical factor in securing the Golden Visa via property acquisition is adherence to Spanish legal procedures. The acquisition agreement must be formalized through a notarial public deed and appropriately registered with the Property Registry.

Initiating the application for the Golden Visa can be undertaken personally or through an authorized representative, within a 90-day window preceding the intended travel date.

Unveiling the Golden Visa's Advantages: A Pathway to Possibilities

1. Legal Residency: The Golden Visa opens the doors to legal residency and work authorization in Spain.

2. Durability: This visa stands out for its prolonged validity, initially spanning 1 year (or 6 months if the property purchase isn't yet formalized). It's renewable twice for 2 years each, with an additional renewal option for 5 more years. After a decade of legal residency in Spain, you may even pursue Spanish citizenship.

3. Residence Flexibility: Unlike other visas, the Golden Visa doesn't demand residing in Spain for more than 183 days each year; a single annual visit suffices.

4. Inclusive Scope: The visa extends to the spouse and dependent children of the primary applicant.

5. Schengen Benefits: Holding the Golden Visa translates to seamless travel within the Schengen area.

Embracing the Investment Route to Spanish Citizenship
Investing in Spain presents a compelling avenue toward citizenship, particularly when focused on places like Alicante, Benidorm, Malaga or Marbella, offering a golden escape amidst Costa del Sol's and Costa Blanca's inviting climate. It's imperative to note that the Golden Visa's acquisition process is rigorous, emphasizing the value of expert guidance. CaseSpania, a distinguished real estate consultancy firm specializing in Costa Blanca and Costa del Sol, is primed to assist. Our team adeptly navigates the nuances of forms, document review, and interview preparation. Actualizing Spanish citizenship through property investment is an alluring prospect. Place your trust in CaseSpania to simplify the journey.

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